University of Texas at Austin

Upcoming Event: CSEM Student Forum

Asynchronous Tasks in Scientific Computing

Alexander Strack, University of Stuttgart

12 – 1PM
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025

POB 6.304


Asynchronous Many-Task Runtimes (AMTRs) have emerged as a powerful alternative to established parallelization methods, such as fork-join and message passing. While the theoretical advantages of AMTRs are undeniable, determining how they translate into real-world scientific computing applications can be challenging.
In this talk, we introduce the concept of code parallelization using asynchronous tasks. We discuss the major advantages and drawbacks of this approach compared to traditional parallelization methods. Additionally, we present some of our results using the AMTR HPX for various applications commonly found in scientific computing. We also provide a brief overview of how developers can integrate different stages of HPX into their existing sequential or parallel code.


Alexander Strack is a third-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Stuttgart. With a background in Computational Engineering, he has shifted his focus to High-Performance Computing. His research primarily concentrates on parallelization and optimization using AMTRs for scientific computing applications.

Asynchronous Tasks in Scientific Computing

Event information

12 – 1PM
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Location POB 6.304
Hosted by Jerry Chen